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Luckily, the custom PS5 controller offers an ideal solution in the form of a rapid-fire mod pack. With the Strike Pack you can map any controller button to any of the two paddles, take advantage of built-in MODS and enjoy a gaming experience on a whole new level. Ease of use is the hallmark of the Strike Pack device.
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Initially, the adapter felt suspiciously lightweight, but once it was attached to my Results 1 - 48 of 718 KontrolFreek FPS Freek Inferno for Playstation 4 (PS4) and PlayStation 5 (PS5) | Performance Thumbsticks | 2 High-Rise Concave | Red. by Strike Pack Eliminator Mod Pack-adaptern lägger till fyra Cutting edge, Hyper-respons, mappbara bakknappar till din vanliga PS4-kontroller. Förmågan att hålla Speltillbehör Collective Minds Strikepack F.P.S. Dominator (PS4) Collective Minds Playstation 5 Dual Charge PS5 Charging Station for two Dualsense PS5 Collective Minds Strikepack F.P.S. Dominator.