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Säkerhetsdatablad - Meusburger

· 2.2 Märkningsuppgifter. · Märkning enligt förordning (EG) nr 1272/2008. Produkten är klassificerad och  2.2. Märkningsuppgifter. Känneteckning enligt förordning (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 ADN. RID. 14.1. UN-nummer.

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UN-nummer. 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. Gäller inte. 14.2.

2.2. 6.1. Not applicable.


UN/ ID. Number. (4). PG Aerosols, non-flammable. 2.2.

Säkerhetsdatablad - AKB Longs

Un 1950 class 2.2

UN/ ID. Number. (4). PG Aerosols, non-flammable. 2.2. UN1950.

Un 1950 class 2.2

Not Accepted by FedEx Ground. Aluminum   sections 7 and 10. IATA. UN-No: UN 1950. Proper shipping name: AEROSOLS, NON-FLAMMABLE.
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Commonly transported class 2 dangerous goods include oxygen, natural gas, carbon dioxide, lighters, and aerosols. Class 2 Dangerous Goods Label. The picture below shows hazard symbols for Class 2 dangerous goods. UN Class 2.2 – nontoxic, non flammable Compressed Gases Examples: Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Air ** Toxic Gases UN Class 2.3 - Toxic Gases See examples below Flammable Liquids UN Class 3.1 - Flammable Liquid Flammable solvents – xylene, toluene, ethanol, methanol, hexane, acetonitrile Paint Thinners Spray Thinners Turpentine ** Flammable 国連番号1950|un no.|エアゾール(容積が1lを超え、再充てんができないものであって、かつ、備考の欄の規定により当該危険物に該当するものに限る。)【海上輸送】 国連番号|un no. 1950: 日本語品名 UN 1950 Aerosols, non-flammable (tear gas devices or incapacitant) Division 2.2; b) apply special provisions to the new entries as A1, A27, A145 and A153; c) apply the same State Variations, Maximum net Quantity, Passenger Aircraft and Cargo Aircraft restrictions as are currently listed for UN 1950 Aerosols, flammable Denne tabel viser frimængden (FM) for alle UN-numre i fareklasse 2.

Produkten är klassad enligt Derective  2.2.
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Säkerhetsdatablad - Binzel-Abicor

· Class. 2.2. · Label. 2.2. · 14.4 Förpackningsgrupp.