001-013 PRELIMINARES.indd - UNDP
Towns and rural industrialisation in Sweden 1850–1890: A
NAV calculation frequency: Daily: LU1860912135 ING Fund ING Sustainable Moderate PB Cap : Last NAV status: Unavailable - Closed Market / Bank Holiday (from 02/04/2021 to 02/04/2021) Previous NAV: 30/03/2021: 11 309.18 EUR -0.04 % Documents Taxes Dividends Hist. Prices Price Order Ref. Data Security Information Overview. Het fonds ING Sustainable Moderate is geen fonds van de ING-groep. We measure this with our Responsible Finance portfolio.
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ING Sustainable Moderate * Pour un changement durable * ING Sustainable Moderate est un compartiment du fonds de droit luxembourgeois ING Fund, dont ING Belgique SA est Gestionnaire et Distributeur. ING Sustainable Moderate Un investissement diversifié à l'échelle internationale, via un portefeuille de fonds de placement durable sélectionnés par les spécialistes de ING Solutions Investment Management. LU1860911830 ING Fund ING Sustainable Moderate R Dis : Last NAV status: Unavailable - Closed Market / Bank Holiday (from 05/04/2021 to 05/04/2021) We measure this with our Responsible Finance portfolio. ING’s Sustainable Finance team pursues sustainable business opportunities within ING Wholesale Banking, identifying sustainable clients and deals. The team takes a broad approach, going beyond the idea that sustainability simply means a few people lending to a few renewable energy projects. LU1860911830 ING Fund ING Sustainable Moderate R Dis : Last NAV status: Unavailable - Closed Market / Bank Holiday (from 10/02/2021 to 10/02/2021) Previous NAV: Business entity registration information for Ing Fund - Ing Sustainable Moderate.
Sustainable development has been at the heart of European policy for a long time, firmly anchored in the European Treaties. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, have given a new impetus to global efforts to achieve sustainable development.
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av ML Follér · 1992 · Citerat av 10 — Three generations of the same families may be followed up on Koster. Population growth is the same as in the rest of Sweden and intermarriages do not occur. team toward continued growth and profitability in all sections of the profitable growth and sustainable ing Bonava's sustainability agenda. ing biological and medical research as well as practical applications as small- and medium-sized companies and plant ing a sustainable food production.
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av E Plaza · Citerat av 2 — ing the temperature had little effect on the microbial community; anammox bacteria dominated the biomass was moderate (<47 %). Independent of oxygen The quest for sustainable nitrogen removal technologies.
Fluvial flooding. Crop yields. Undetectable. Moderate. High.
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In. August, this was ing lease is recognised in the Income statement on a straight line See data for visited members under sustainable yield in annual surveillance 19, 1 FÖR FATTN ING AR TILL SKYDD FÖR YTTRE MILJÖ, 1 FÖR FATTN ING AR Some of these may have advantages such as higher growth, advantageous Emeller tid var denna effekt minimal i många studier och vissa interventioner gav ing- the Commission for a Socially Sustainable Malmö. moderate aerobic exercise on specific aspects of executive function in different age and fitness.
Geopolitical risks ports are regarded as a sustainable and preferred ap- proach to
ing medium,” much before the first arrival of a homeopathic physician, see e.g.
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LYCHNOS - Open Journals vid Lunds universitet
ment onto landscapes of food production moderates predicted social costs, but also – since cultivat-. av M Reinholdsson · 2018 · Citerat av 30 — Patients who reported light or moderate PA levels were more likely to present a mild stroke.