INGEN MEDICINSK TERM ▷ English Translation - Examples
Please review following suggested words. English - Arabic. Arabic - English. No Results found, click here to ask or suggest us. English Etymology .
Show downloadable dissertations only. Do a more advanced search » In most cases it is an isolated dysmelia. Incidence in males is higher than in females. There are different causes for clubfoot: Mainly caused by English abstract: The aim has been to try out the touch screen as a data aged 20 to 30 with dysmelia, i.e. transversal upper limb reduction deficiency (TULRD).
malformation of a limb or limbs due to disturbance in embryonic development. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition.
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: 266 English and French have comparatively "deep" phonemic orthographies within the Latin alphabet writing system, with complex structures employing spelling patterns on several levels: letter-sound correspondence, syllables, and morphemes. dysmelia: Any
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Any congenital disorder of the limbs, such as amelia or syndactyly.
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Information and translations of dysmetria in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Etymology: Δύσ "bad" + μέλος "limb". What does dysmelia mean? Any congenital disorder of the limbs, such as amelia or syndactyly. (noun)
Definitions of Dysmelia, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Dysmelia, analogical dictionary of Dysmelia (English) Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata.
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Definition of dysmetria in the dictionary. Meaning of dysmetria. What does dysmetria mean?