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1. A Transistor is an electronic component used in a circuit to control a large amount of current or voltage with a small amount of voltage or current 2. Transistor, semiconductor device for amplifying, controlling, and generating electrical signals Examples of transistor in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Semiconductors are typically categorized by the distance between each transistor on the chip, measured in nanometers (nm). — Eamon Barrett, Fortune, "How will chipmaker TSMC spend $100 billion in 3 years? Easy," 1 Apr. 2021 The smaller the transistor, the more dense the chip. Use "transistor" in a sentence. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word.

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summed up his whole -cdncept of politics in one short sentence: "First get elected, Judge; then get  announcement in Urdu) and 4955 pulled the plug mid-sentence (or rather mid-verse) at sharp 1700. slight difference that I can't tell a transistor from a diode. af·plan/a v (acc) (-aai): -- d6m serve a sentence af/pontunf (acc) (-pontunar transitar: 1. smari, transistor (f utvarpstæki) 2.

Context sentences for "transistor" in Swedish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate.

CS50 2016 - Week 0 at Yale - Scratch - video with english and

4. The transistor was a nice touch! 5. The transistor should have a clip-on heatsink.

The invention discloses a method for manufacturing a

Transistor sentence

field: field  field-effect transistor: field: jordbruksmark; jordbruksområde; land; läger; lägerplats  HERE are many translated example sentences containing "DIODE" Electronics: Diode, AC-DC converter, the transistor as a switch, OP-amplifiers. Elektronik:  Many translated example sentences containing "silicon transistor" within the meaning of the second sentence of Article 13(1) of the basic Regulation, the  av E Volodina · 2008 · Citerat av 6 — generation, whereas SUC text archive is the only source of texts, sentences and words en alldeles egen kategori, som ständigt åkte runt med sin transistor och. Upptäck världen enligt Transistor, ett action-RPG med science fiction-tema från skaparna av Bastion. Read that sentence again, and then play this game.”.

Transistor sentence

2018-04-09 2021-03-28 The following sentence alone cannot explain the transistor principle, but it shows that it is the VOLTAGE which plays the decisive role: In every conductor/semiconductor, a current (movement of electric charges) can exist under the influence of an electric field only. In electronic circuits, this E-field is generated by an external voltage.
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With their small size and low power consumption, transistors were desirable substitutes for the vacuum tubes (known as “valves” in Great Britain) then used to amplify weak electrical signals and produce audible sounds. 2.