Italien - Venedig - Ducato - Doge Leonardo Loredan - Catawiki
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Oil on panel, 62 x 45 cm. National Gallery, London. The portrait, the largest of Bellini's portraits, was probably painted Portrait Of Doge Leonardo Loredan By Giovani Bellini Wall Art from Beverly A Mitchell. Choose From Print or Oil on Canvas Reproduction on all Artwork.
Se hela listan på El dux Leonardo Loredan, es uno de los cuadros destacados del pintor Italiano Giovanni Bellini que se conservan en la National Gallery de Londres, Reino Unido, donde se exhibe con el título de The Doge Leonardo Loredan. Está realizado al óleo y temple sobre tabla de álamo. Mide 62 cm de alto y 45 cm de ancho. Fue pintado entre 1501 y 1504. Leonardo Loredan ist ein Porträt des Dogen Leonardo Loredan von Giovanni Bellini von 1501–02. Es zeigt den Dogen in seiner Zeremonialtracht. Das Bild hängt heute in der National Gallery in London Analysis of the Portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan.
Steve Art Gallery. The Doge Leonardo Loredan,Giovanni Bellini,61x45cm. 674,00 E£ Spara 275,00 E£ Leonardo da Vinci - 206 artworks - painting.
VENEDIG – skildringar av staden under Renässansen
Here Loredan wears the doge's traditional corno ducale, a horn-shaped hat with an… Doge Leonardo Loredan Bibliography • Aikema, Bernard & Brown, Beverly Louise. Renaissance Venice and the North: Crosscurrents in the Time of Dürer, Bellini • Batschmann, Oskar. Giovanni Bellini. Reaktion Books, 2008 • Christiansen, Keith & Weppelmann, Stefan.
Vinter i Venedig - - Tidningen Fönstret -
1430- 1516 CE). c. 1500 CE. (National Gallery, London) 2021-03-15 · 1502 Bellini Der Doge Leonardo Loredan National Gallery (London) anagoria.jpg 3,148 × 4,300; 4.55 MB Giovanni Bellini - Ritratto del Doge Leonardo Loredan.jpg 2,024 × 2,872; 627 KB Giovanni Bellini - Portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan - WGA1745.jpg 1,000 × 1,388; 202 KB I am speaking of Doge Leonardo Loredan, as depicted by Giovanni Bellini, in a painting said to have been executed in about 1501, the year that the Doge took office, an office he was to hold Leonardo Loredan was the Doge of Venice from 1501–21. In Bellini's painting he is shown wearing his robes of state. The hat and ornate buttons are part of his official wardrobe.
1505; thought to be a likeness of the Venetian writer and humanist Pietro Bembo) in the…. Read More. Leonardo Loredan was the Doge of Venice from 1501–21.
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Fue pintado entre 1501 y 1504. Leonardo Loredan ist ein Porträt des Dogen Leonardo Loredan von Giovanni Bellini von 1501–02. Es zeigt den Dogen in seiner Zeremonialtracht. Das Bild hängt heute in der National Gallery in London Analysis of the Portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan.
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Giovanni Bellini, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, c
2020, oil on canvas, 110x90 cm.