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Stratum basale Betoning. -. Bestämd form. -. Plural. strata av GB Malambe · 2006 · Citerat av 5 — However, this proposal runs into the problem of re-introducing strata in phonological These nouns are grouped under class 5 since they have their plural in.
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Strata definition: Strata is the plural of → stratum . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In geology and related fields, a stratum (plural: strata) is a layer of sedimentary rock or soil, or igneous rock that was formed at the Earth's surface, with internally consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers. The "stratum" is the fundamental unit in a stratigraphic column and forms the basis of the study of stratigraphy. strata (n.) c.
'Stratum' refers to a Feb 26, 2021 Definition noun, plural: strata (1) (histology) Any from the layers of tissues arranged one atop another, thus forming an anatomical structure Sep 20, 2019 - Sandstone strata - Coyote Buttes, Arizona.
PRODUCTS BUILT-UP OF STRATA OF not covered by another single group of this main group; D21H23/72—Plural OEI Strata, INCA Seattle. Samlade verk!
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(substantiv, femininum, plural), social security contributions (plural). 3. (substantiv, femininum, plural), payroll tax (substantiv). 5. social strata. 16. Salta (Argentina) Kalkavlagringar på Cypern Stratigrafi, av latinets stratum (plural: strata), i vetenskapliga sammanhang 'skikt', 'lager', och -grafi, läran om av GDM Thobo-Carlsen · 2019 — strata.
We aim to create a psychologically enhancing environment for artistic acts and the manifestation of virtu. It is also wrong to create the form stratums or stratas as the plural: a series of overlying strata (not overlying stratums or overlying stratas) Origin Late 16th century (in the sense ‘layer or coat of a substance’): modern Latin, from Latin, literally ‘something spread or laid down’, neuter past participle of sternere ‘strew’. „Illa nova argentaria in strata Baker est.“ Satzbespiel 4410436 „Miratur molem Aeneas, magalia quondam, / miratur portas strepitumque et strata viarum.“ Satzbespiel 6564453. Die Verwendungsbeispiele wurden maschinell ausgewählt und können dementsprechend Fehler enthalten.
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The innermost or deepest layer of the endometrium. 2. Stratum germinativum.
Salta (Argentina) Kalkavlagringar på Cypern Stratigrafi, av latinets stratum (plural: strata), i vetenskapliga sammanhang 'skikt', 'lager', och -grafi, läran om
av GDM Thobo-Carlsen · 2019 — strata. It shows just how it is maintained individually by understanding the Cippi of Melqart- “The cippi (plural of cippus) of Malta are a pair of ornamental. SAOL. Alfabetisk lista.
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plural of stratum 3. pl of stratum.