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80  15. Sept. 2020 sollen für mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr sorgen. Foto 1: Bgm. Gerhard Lueger, Klassenlehrerin Anna Abfalter, Dir. Anna Giek, Jack McCreery, Nick Denk.

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(Sharon Abfalter Schroeder's memories of her great-grandparents, 1964): "Blasious and Anna were married November 25, 1889. They lived on 16th Avenue North in St. Cloud for three years. Blasious Abfalter worked for the railroad during this time. Then they purchased 80 acres of farm land near Duelm where they lived until Blasious' death in 1925. ROGER ABFALTER Henderson: Roger Leroye “Big Roger” Abfalter, age 71, died Saturday evening January 3, 2015 at his home in Henderson. Mr. Abfalter was born and reared in Lansing, Michigan, the son of the late John Chris and Charlotte Anna Wicks Abfalter.

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Anna abfalter

80  15. Sept. 2020 sollen für mehr Aufmerksamkeit und Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr sorgen. Foto 1: Bgm. Gerhard Lueger, Klassenlehrerin Anna Abfalter, Dir. Anna Giek, Jack McCreery, Nick Denk. Anna Witbeck, Jack Seigworth, Nick Oakley. Anthony Benjamin DuMars, Jada Abfalter, Pharon Murphie. Benjamin   16 Apr 2020 Anna Veltkamp ||

Anna abfalter

(Sharon Abfalter Schroeder's memories of her great-grandparents, 1964): "Blasious and Anna were married November 25, 1889. They lived on 16th Avenue North in St. Cloud for three years. Blasious Abfalter worked for the railroad during this time. Then they purchased 80 acres of farm land near Duelm where they lived until Blasious' death in 1925. ROGER ABFALTER Henderson: Roger Leroye “Big Roger” Abfalter, age 71, died Saturday evening January 3, 2015 at his home in Henderson.
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She passed away on 29 May 1919 in Sîntana, Arad, Romania. Research genealogy for Anna Abfalter of Duelm, Benton, Minnesota, United States, as well as other members of the Abfalter family, on Ancestry®. Contact us Postal Address: Optoelectronics Group University of Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory J J Thomson Avenue Graduate Students Anna Abfalterer Zahra Andaji-Garmaroudi Anna received her BSc degree in Chemistry from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and her MSc degree in Chemistry from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, USA. Leave a comment about ANNA ABFALTER.

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Edit Search New Search Filters (1) Results 1-20 of 155. Records Categories. Anna Abfalter passed away on 24 7 1874.