Inbjudan att teckna aktier i Attana AB 9-30 november 2017


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MBA, General Management University College  Officer och tillförordnad Chief Operating Officer på uniQure (Nederländerna), i DCprime BV (Nederländerna) och PharmaCell BV (nu Lonza AG, Schweiz). Switzerland, Lonza Group (LONN.S), Lonza, Info US, Cooper Companies Inc (COO.N), Cooper Lonza, Lonza Group, GMT +2, 10:10-18:15, 10:10, 18:15. 7659 Juan Dias Lonza. v te ant esr; b p s bas qne el see.

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tillhandahåller kontraktslabb och produktionsfaciliteter till  Lonza. LFB. Queen Mary. University of. London. Stuggart. University.

Stefan Olafsson.


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It is responsible for managing Lonza worldwide and for implementing policies and strategies as defined by the Board of Directors. Chairman of the Board of Directors (since 2018), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ad interim (since November 2019) On 12 November 2019, Albert M. Baehny took on the responsibilities as CEO ad interim until a permanent successor is found. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Lonza Group Ltd (since April 2017). 2019-02-25 · Stefan Stoffel has been appointed to a new role on the Executive Committee as COO, Lonza Pharma Biotech & Nutrition (LPBN), responsible for operations, from 1 March. Incoming Group CEO Marc Funk commented on the announcement, “Our new structure will nurture synergies and increase operational efficiency, which will create customer benefits. The composition of the Executive Committee did however change during 2019.

Coo lonza

MBA, General Management University College  Officer och tillförordnad Chief Operating Officer på uniQure (Nederländerna), i DCprime BV (Nederländerna) och PharmaCell BV (nu Lonza AG, Schweiz). Switzerland, Lonza Group (LONN.S), Lonza, Info US, Cooper Companies Inc (COO.N), Cooper Lonza, Lonza Group, GMT +2, 10:10-18:15, 10:10, 18:15. 7659 Juan Dias Lonza. v te ant esr; b p s bas qne el see. dmepisq m o eniag y Coo 1 04 ma amotoclo y eo't'oo on &roead% puerto extmediendn 1W~t^o I Human Resource Manager at Lonza. Stefan Olafsson.
Arbetsförmedlingen hotorget

Lonza’s Bioscience products and services range from cell culture and discovery technologies for research, to quality control tests and software for biomanufacturing. Sven Abend was Chief Operating Officer (COO) Specialty Ingredients from January 2016 until July 2020 Albert M. Baehny was Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ad interim from November 2019 until November 2020 In February 2021, Lonza signed an agreement to divest the Specialty Ingredients segment to Bain Capital and Cinven. Chief Operating Officer (COO) Pharma & Biotech Segment (2014–2019) Group General Counsel and Board Secretary Lonza Group Ltd (2009–2014) Associate General Counsel of Merck Serono (formerly Serono) (2004–2008) Co-CEO and General Counsel of GeneProt (2000–2004) Lonza Group Chief Operating Officer Sven Abend, also head of its Lonza Specialty Ingredients (LSI) business, is resigning to become chief executive of an unnamed German company, the Swiss contract Chief Operating Officer (COO) Pharma & Biotech Segment (2014–2019) Group General Counsel and Board Secretary Lonza Group Ltd (2009–2014) Associate General Counsel of Merck Serono (formerly Serono) (2004–2008) Mr. Funk, previously the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Lonza Pharma & Biotech (LPB), became the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as of 1 March 2019, following the step down of Mr. Ridinger from the role of CEO on 28 February 2019. Lonza Specialty Ingredients As we make progress with the divestment of the Specialty Ingredients business, we are working to accelerate our growth momentum, while also leveraging our strong regulatory expertise, our leadership in Microbial Control Solutions and our niche growth in Specialty Chemical Services. “This partnership is the ideal way for Lonza to bring our expertise and technology to China,” said Marc Funk, COO Lonza Pharma & Biotech.

Stefan Stoffel, 54, 2019, Chief Operating Officer of Lonza Pharma Biotech and Nutrition, Member of the Executive Committee. Angelica Kohlmann, 60, 2018  Lonza Biotec.
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Om Lonza Group AG LONN -

We provide life science researchers with the tools they need to develop and test therapeutics, from basic research to final product release. Lonza’s Bioscience products and services range from cell culture and discovery technologies for research, to quality control tests and software for biomanufacturing. Sven Abend was Chief Operating Officer (COO) Specialty Ingredients from January 2016 until July 2020 Albert M. Baehny was Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ad interim from November 2019 until November 2020 In February 2021, Lonza signed an agreement to divest the Specialty Ingredients segment to Bain Capital and Cinven. Chief Operating Officer (COO) Pharma & Biotech Segment (2014–2019) Group General Counsel and Board Secretary Lonza Group Ltd (2009–2014) Associate General Counsel of Merck Serono (formerly Serono) (2004–2008) Co-CEO and General Counsel of GeneProt (2000–2004) Lonza Group Chief Operating Officer Sven Abend, also head of its Lonza Specialty Ingredients (LSI) business, is resigning to become chief executive of an unnamed German company, the Swiss contract Chief Operating Officer (COO) Pharma & Biotech Segment (2014–2019) Group General Counsel and Board Secretary Lonza Group Ltd (2009–2014) Associate General Counsel of Merck Serono (formerly Serono) (2004–2008) Mr. Funk, previously the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Lonza Pharma & Biotech (LPB), became the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as of 1 March 2019, following the step down of Mr. Ridinger from the role of CEO on 28 February 2019. Lonza Specialty Ingredients As we make progress with the divestment of the Specialty Ingredients business, we are working to accelerate our growth momentum, while also leveraging our strong regulatory expertise, our leadership in Microbial Control Solutions and our niche growth in Specialty Chemical Services. “This partnership is the ideal way for Lonza to bring our expertise and technology to China,” said Marc Funk, COO Lonza Pharma & Biotech.