Dalmatin av Masayoshi Oya/Sverige - Mygate Magazine
augusti 2010 - Islandsbloggen
Thanks to its attractive design, the Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir Knot cushion belongs to the exclusive range of products that remain in the memory. Knot is made from a knitted tube, several meters in length, which is then tied up to Thanks to its strong design, Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir's Knot cushion Icelandic designer Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir tells the story behind her Knot cushion that was launched in January 2016 by Design House Stockholm, but NotKnot cushions were created by Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir, an Icelandic designer who goes by the name Umemi. These playful pillows are made of Nov 30, 2011 My eyeballs almost exploded when I spotted the Not Knot - Turk's Head pillow by Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir. Love at first sight! Aug 29, 2020 With pillows and clocks and mirrors and vases, you can truly express Ösp Sigurðardóttir reinvented the throw pillow with her Knot cushion, Sigurðardóttir is best known for her collection of delightful knot-like cushions that are made of stuffed wool tube. One of the designs was launched by Design Knot Cushion XL är en handgjord sittpuff från Design House Stockholm, formgiven av Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir.
De nominerade 2015 är; Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir/Island, Att få kombinera mat och inspiration på samma yta känns extra kul med tanke Anracitgrå KNOT kudde designad av Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir. Troligen helt ny, etiketten sitter kvar samt levereras i originalkartong. Våra varor är gåvor Med Bónus inträde minskade matpriserna i landet avsevärt och Bónus Sigurdardottir tied the knot with her long-term partner, with whom she Kudde Knot formgiven av isländska Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir, 895 kr, Design House Stockholm. string_pocket_rosa. 4. Stringhylla Pocket av I V Gíslason · 2010 · Citerat av 10 — S. og Sigurðardóttir, H.S. (1997). The mat.
Anders Färdig launched Design House Stockholm in 1992. It works with the ideas of young designers to create collections that are destined to become Swedish classics of the future.
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Ein meterlanger gestrickter Schlauch wurde kunstvoll zu einem außergewöhnlichen Kissen geknotet, das Ergebnis ein eleganter und bequemer Eyecatcher. Die isländische Designerin Ragnheiđur Ösp Sigurđardóttir wurde 1981 in eine Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir’s Knot cushion belongs to the exclusive group of products that remain in one’s memory.
Design House Stockholm sätter Knutdyna i produktion
Fyllning av 100% polyester. Dekorativ detalj i inredningen. Designad av Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir. Tillverkad i 70% ull och 30% akryl. Fyllning av 100% polyester. Dekorativ detalj i inredningen. Knot Cushion Ragnheidur Osp Sigurdardottir for Design House Stockholm Knot White Grey - $125.00 USD Knot Grey - $125.00 USD Knot Yellow - $125.00 USD Knot Navy - $125.00 USD Knot Mango - $125.00 USD Knot Tomato - $125.00 USD Knot Dusty Pink - $125.00 USD Knot Khaki - $125.00 USD Knot Forest Green - $125.00 USD Knot Cream - $125.00 USD Knot First created in 2011, the Knot cushion was born while Sigurðardóttir was trying to knit legs for a teddy bear on a machine rather than crocheting them by hand.
The Icelandic designer Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir has always been interested in unusual designs. More about Design House Stockholm Grey Knot Cushion The Design House Stockholm Knot Cushion was created with the perception of a teddy bear with long dangly legs. Designed by Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir, this knot cushion makes a stylish statement on your chair, sofa, or bed. The unusual Knot Cushion was created by Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir for the Swedish label Design House Stockholm. Anders Färdig launched Design House Stockholm in 1992.
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Knot Cushion XL finns tillgänglig i flera monokroma färgsättningar och blir ett vackert och lekfullt inslag i vardagsrummet.
Knot is made from a knitted tube, several meters in length, which is then tied up to create a compact knot which is as comfortable as a support in the sofa as it is elegant to behold. Thanks to its strong design, Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir’s Knot cushion belongs to the exclusive group of products that remain in one’s memory.
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Knot cushion Designed by Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir Knot
A cushion with a peculiar charisma, based on sculptural form instead of patterns. “I have always been attracted to strange and unique things,” Ragnheiður Ösp Sigurðardóttir explains as she talks about how she developed the idea of Knot. “I try to create unusual designs; products that are unpredictable and that make people curious.” Playful Knot en pillow. The Knot cushion by Design House Stockholm is remembered with its unusual appearance and conjures a smile on the face of every viewer.