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No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible. Páginas que le gustan a  Vänligen notera: Barnpass avser ålder 0 – 15 år. Alla som är 16 år och äldre behöver ett vuxenpass. Vissa attraktioner tar inträde för barn under 6 år.

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Provisoriska pass utfärdas omedelbart och i anslutning till resan. Det går inte att boka tid för att söka provisoriskt pass. Har du allmänna frågor om pass har passexpeditionen telefontid måndag – fredag klockan 09.30 – 11.30, via polisens växel 114 14. Paris is a big city with so much to see and do that it can be overwhelming.

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Note: A 3 Day Paris Pass includes a 2 Day Museum Pass. The Paris Pass is an attractions pass that includes free entry to over 60 attractions in Paris, including to the Louvre Museum, the Palace of Versailles and also includes a sightseeing cruise, among many other top attractions. A must-have when visiting Paris! Attractions included in the Paris Pass In order to use your Paris Museum Pass, you must pick it up at the Big Bus Redemption center by showing your Go Paris pass. Big Bus Redemption Centeres: Collection weekends: Saturday – Sunday: 09.00 - 18.00 Big Bus Ticket Shop 11 Avenue de L'Opera 75001 Paris. Collection weekdays: Monday – Friday: 09.00 - 12.00 Big Bus Paris 17 quai de Grenelle When you arrive you can also pick up your Paris Museum Pass from the Big Bus ticket center, located at 11 Avenue de L'Opera, 75001, Paris.
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The Paris Pass is an attractions pass that includes free entry to over 60 attractions in Paris, including to the Louvre Museum, the Palace of Versailles and also includes a sightseeing cruise, among many other top attractions. A must-have when visiting Paris! Attractions included in the Paris Pass In order to use your Paris Museum Pass, you must pick it up at the Big Bus Redemption center by showing your Go Paris pass. Big Bus Redemption Centeres: Collection weekends: Saturday – Sunday: 09.00 - 18.00 Big Bus Ticket Shop 11 Avenue de L'Opera 75001 Paris.