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The population of Sweden is projected to be just over 11 million in 2030, which is 767 000, 7.4 percent, more than in 2019. Uppsala County is projected to have the largest population growth in percentage terms. All statistical news for this statistic It is famous for its welfare state. People who live in Sweden are called Swedes. The population of Sweden is about 10 million people.

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The land has a total area of 447,430 km² (172,754 mi²) and a total coastline of 3,218 km (1,999.6 mi). This land area is approximately 111% of the area of California. Sweden is thus one of the largest countries in Europe and the 56th biggest in the world. 2020-11-27 Sweden's "Population density" is 24.98[People/k㎡] which is the 169th highest in the world ranking. Transition graphs on "Population density" in Sweden and comparison bar charts (USA vs. China vs.

Its population grew by 10.2% within the last decade. The end-of-2019 population of Sweden reaches 10.338 million.

PDF Population Concentration and Dispersion in Sweden

87% of Swedes live in urban areas, which cover 1.5% of the entire land area. The highest concentration is in the central and southern half of the country. Sweden is part of the geographical area of Fennoscandia. 32 197.

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Sweden population

Currently, 87.9 % of the population of Sweden is urban (8,817,415 people in 2019) Population Density The 2019 population density in Sweden is 24 people per Km 2 (63 people per mi 2 ), calculated on a total land area of 410,340 Km2 (158,433 sq. miles). Number of emigrants from Sweden in 2019 and 2020.

Sweden population

2, Gothenburg  Translation for 'population' in the free Swedish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Sweden was the first country in the world to introduce paid parental leave also to fathers in 1974, A large proportion of the Swedish population is unmarried. av JF Ludvigsson · 2017 · Citerat av 632 — For this purpose, Sweden has established two population registers: (1) The Population Register, maintained by the Swedish National Tax Agency  Swedish speaking population in Finland. Last modified: 2014-05-29 by zoltán horváth.
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The population of Sweden is about 10 million people. Sweden's capital city is Stockholm, which is also Sweden's largest city, with almost one million people.

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Demographic statisticsSWEDEN, population density - UrbiStat

See also: World Population # Sweden Population Projections. Show by. 10 years; 5 years; 1 year; main data; all data; Year Total Male Female Sex Ratio Growth rate Birth rate Death rate Ferti­lity The total population in Sweden was estimated at 10.3 million people in 2020, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. Looking back, in the year of 1960, Sweden had a population of 7.5 million people. This page provides - Sweden Population - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. Sweden has also taken in more refugees than many other EU Member States.