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chemtrails – Scie Chimiche

If you did not enjoy "traditional" chemtrails raining down on you, you are not going to like the new version, which the United States Air Force promises will feature aerial dumps of programmable "smart" molecules tens of thousands of times smaller than the particles already landing people in emergency rooms with respiratory, heart and gastrointestinal complaints. Another likely idea is that the illuminati are using chemtrails as a way to effectively block out the sun from us in a form of weather manipulation and ‘geo engineering’ as it is officially known, is already being utilized globally by scientists and meteorologists. Join the great ILLUMINATI and achieve your dreams 1/ earn $250,000 USD monthly 2/you will be given $90,000 USD to start life 3/ power to overcome your enemies 4/ long life and properity given to you as long as you win souls Into the great ILLUMINATI If you are interested whatsapp this number for initiation whatsapp or call the grand master in Nigeria +2348134470041 Wating for your message on The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails are "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public. Believers in this conspiracy theory say that while normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, contrails that linger must ‘Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy’ is a card game produced by Steve Jackson Games that was originally released in the early 80′s.

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So sad. So very true. We are  Idag sprids konspirationsteorier via olika informationskanaler över hela. Europa.

'Chemtrail pilotpersonal flygvärdinna Illuminati' Axelremsväska

Illuminati chemtrails

https://youtube.com/c/Studio10auCheck out our home on 10play: https://10play.com.au/studio10Are the white streaks left behind by airc Een veelgehoord argument van chemtrails-ontkenners is dat chemtrails geen onderscheid kunnen maken tussen de elite en de gewone bevolking op de grond, dus de daders zouden zichzelf en hun naasten er ook mee treffen. Dat klopt, maar de illuminati hebben geneesmiddelen tot hun beschikking die hen beschermen tegen de meeste effecten van chemtrails.

Illuminati chemtrails

Skickas inom 7-10 vardagar. Köp CHEMTRAILS La verdadera historia del SIDA, EBOLA y HAARP: Epidemias Illuminati Volume 6 av  2017, Häftad.
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The best GIFs are on GIPHY. 'Chemtrails' photos taken in Levenshulme, South Manchester on Saturday 11th December 2010 by a friend of this Blog. Chemtrail (z anglického chemical trail) má být – podle s tímto fenoménem spjatých konspiračních teorií – stopa podobná běžné kondenzační stopě (v anglických textech zkráceně nazývané contrail), která ale má obsahovat zdraví nebezpečné chemikálie.
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America is under chemical attack. So are other countries. But I live here, and I see it every day. In the morning, the weather is clear. But, then, one plane after another criss-crosses the sky, spraying chemtrails. Sometimes, the aerosol dissipates into odd-looking clouds, and a filthy gray covers the once blue sky.