Axel Johnson AB is owned by Antonia Ax:son Johnson and her family. The wholly and partly owned companies in the Axel Johnson group have total annual sales of SEK 82 billion and about 20,000 employees (2018). Read more about our owners Axel Johnson AB here. Axlab is a 48-hour innovation competition for all employees ­within the Axel Johnson Group. This year’s Axlab was tougher than ever, with 781 ideas submitted.

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Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in  Axel Johnson Holding AB ingår i en koncern med 260 bolag. Koncernmoderbolag är B J A Croonen BV. Koncernstrukturen baseras på uppgifter från 2020-12. Axel Johnson builds and develops profitable trade and service businesses in the European market, with a focus on the Nordic countries. The today wholly and partly owned companies within Axel Johnson AB have a total annual turnover of approximately SEK 87 billion (2020). Axel Johnson AB operates as a holding company.

Member type: Holding. Services: amfori Advocacy.

This year’s Axlab was tougher than ever, with 781 ideas submitted. Valentina Cristea’s winning entry Winner: Valentina Cristea, AxFlow Italy Previous positions: Various leading positions within Axel Johnson AB including President and CEO. Head of Research of Aros Securities AB. Various positions within ABB Financial Services AB. Holdings in AB Electrolux: 5,000 B-shares. Mike joined Axel Johnson in 2002.

Axel johnson holding ab

Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelser Idag är stiftelserna Nordstjernans största aktieägare och innehar 99 procent av rösterna och 86 procent av kapitalet i Nordstjernan. Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål, som äger 85 procent av kapitalet och 5 procent av rösterna, har till huvudsakligt ändamål att allmänt främja vetenskaplig forskning. Axel Johnson Holding Aktiebolag 100% 5562452549. Axel Johnson Investment AB 100% 5562560614; Axessor AB 100% 5560133463; Axel Johnson Aktiebolag 100% 5562236959.

Axel johnson holding ab

Axel Johnson Holding Aktiebolag 100% 5562452549. Axel Johnson Investment AB 100% 5562560614; Axessor AB 100% 5560133463; Axel Johnson Aktiebolag 100% 5562236959. Axsol AB 100% 5566907969; AxRetail AB 100% 5560392226.
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Axel Johnson AB operates as a holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, wholesales food to restaurants, staff canteens, hospitals, and schools, and trading-related services in the She is Board Chair of Axel Johnson Holding AB and the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation.
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We meet over a million customers every day through our companies. 7 Jul 2017 of their shareholdings to the Swedish conglomerate Axel Johnson International . With the acquisition of the IOW Group, Axel Johnson International and a sister company to Trans-Auto AB, which is active in distribu Mennens is onderdeel van de 'Lifting Solutions Group' van Axel Johnson International, een toonaangevende industriële speler. Ontdek onze expertise.