capex and opex - Swedish translation – Linguee


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This means if a company regularly has more CapEx than depreciation,  Capex (capital expenditure) A capital expenditure (Capex) is money invested by a company to acquire or upgrade fixed, physical, non-consumable assets, such  1 Dec 2020 It also means that it would save very little on tax. Capital expenditures entail huge investments in goods that are placed on the balance sheet and  Definition: A capital expenditure (CAPEX) is an expense that a company makes towards the purchase of new equipment or the improvement of its long-term assets  CAPEX is defined as a physical asset that is either new or an extension of the usefulness of an existing asset. The asset being acquired or upgraded usually fits   Naturally, Capex can vary considerably from year to year, meaning that capital expenditures ought to be considered over a period of time. The appropriate  Capital expenditures (CapEx) are funds used by a company to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as property, plants, buildings, technology,  An acronym for Capital Expenses, CapEx refers to business costs associated with acquiring, developing or upgrading physical assets such as hardware.

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Vikingkvinner. Klassisk Viking Terminator GTX SportFritid Barn Lila. Vardenes  The development of advanced Software Defined Radios remains at the satellite services provider has an annual capex budget measured in  meaning that you will directly impact how the capital investment project (CAPEX) will be formed job because you want to use your project management  We work in close cooperation with owners to balance CAPEX & OPEX. Exhibitors, 5000 Visitors: this is MIAC in Lucca (Italy)! Visiting MIAC means obtaining a  a team meaning that it also could be a demanding environment at times since Construction IT change portfolio, including both OPEX and CAPEX initiatives.

or capex abbr. capital expenditure American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

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CAPEX ( Capital Expenses eller Expenditures) är utgifter för nyutveckling eller nya investeringar till exempel inköp av nya maskiner, eller framtagandet av en ny tjänst. Översätts med "investering i anläggningstillgångar" eller "anläggningskostnader", men kan alltså även gälla kostnader för utveckling av tjänster. CapEx is also known as a Capital expense. Operational expenditure consists of those expenses that a business incurs to run smoothly every single day.

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Capex meaning

The Group expects to have a capex to sales ratio, excluding contracts with meaning that the company does not have to replace existing. this unplanned for disruption, meaning that overall data center capex spend was up 2% globally according to independent analyst firm Dell'Oro. English definition of Capex / Opex according to the EU. • A capital expenditure (capex) is a payment for goods or services recorded, or capitalised  Definition kalkylator & formel CAGR kalkylator – Genomsnittlig årlig tillväxt / avkastning · Capex & Opex · Cykliska och ocykliska bolag · Direktavkastning · Due  Capex was SEK 135m, meaning that Ovzon has now invested SEK 880m in its Ovzon-3 project (it expects to invest ~SEK 1.5bn in total). This means marketing of a specific product inside a store, which is done either by the producer of the product, or by the store itself. The company offers its unique  FCF should be about USD5.0 billion, assuming capex is about clients within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001Fitch Ratings, Inc. is  Training takes a new meaning in the OpEx enterprise. Senast uppdaterad: Engelska. Prolong your solution's lifespan and save CAPEX, by adding in OPEX.

Capex meaning

A capital expenditure is incurred when a business spends money either to buy fixed  Capital Expenditure - CAPEX is the expenditure made by a firm to improve its long-term assets or to purchase new equipment.
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Dess motpart är capex (Capital Expenses) som är kostnader för nyutveckling eller nya investeringar t.ex. inköp av nya maskiner. Låg capex men hög opex innebär att investeringskostnaderna för en ny produkt inte är så stora, men att de rörliga kostnaderna för att hålla igång hela driften är betydande. Se hela listan på CapEx stands for capital expenditures, which is money used by an organization to purchase, improve, or sustain physical assets. Commonly held physical assets include PP&E (property, plans, buildings, and equipment for running and sustaining the business).

Als voorbeeld is de aanschaf van een kopieerapparaat de CAPEX, terwijl de kosten voor de jaarlijks benodigde toner en papier de Operationele kosten (OPEX) vormen. CAPEX synonyms, CAPEX pronunciation, CAPEX translation, English dictionary definition of CAPEX.
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inköp av nya maskiner. Låg capex men hög opex innebär att investeringskostnaderna för en ny produkt inte är så stora, men att de rörliga kostnaderna för att hålla igång hela driften är betydande. Se hela listan på CapEx stands for capital expenditures, which is money used by an organization to purchase, improve, or sustain physical assets. Commonly held physical assets include PP&E (property, plans, buildings, and equipment for running and sustaining the business). (CAP ital EX penditures) The cost of developing a product or system.